The Bluedregon's Realm
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Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004
Its summer folks and you know what that spells.  Updates!  nah really i just got rid of shit to make more room for other future stuff or just more pictures because that takes up all my hosting.

New and Improved!

July 2nd, 2003
Well, well, well, what do we have here.  It appears that i have finally updated my website.  but in truth I not only updated I completely redid my website because I was prohibited from editing the earlier version.  As usual its up to you to sit around and see how often i will actually update my site which can be as often as daily or as little as once every 3 months.  But on the to the updates!
Domukon:  its pretty much the same page except I returned domukon without the randsom I asked for him.  A second Domukon napping is in the works, I do very much miss him after all.
Stalkers Wanted:  I just did a little re-arranging of the same photos.
ShortSports:  is still the same old Chinese Midget Basketball just without Weeman.
Sketchwork:  Was know as Hail to the Paper, which i just realized is just like Radiohead's New album Hail the The Theif.  weird.  Well the layout has changed but thats pretty much it.
Auditory Dyslexia:  I have been randomly updating that on its own and now its page here is less cluttered.  I also started trading bootlegs.  You can find my link for that on the Main page of Auditory Dysexia.
Cars:  Has some more photos here and the main page.  Also a new layout.
Not Earth:  is an exact duplicate of the original page.
Video Games:  has updated words and game lists.  it also lost all its links.
Literature:  I forget, go check it yourself
Erasing the Unquestioned: is the same old same old.
Stupid:  Contains enlarged photos.
Lessons, Ponderings, T.R.I.B.A.L., Quotables, and The linkatorium.  have all passed on into another realm.

October 29th, 2003
Apparently since Tripod and Angelfire are own by lycos they still arent the same thing and you can get in trouble for hosting images on one but using the other.  Tripod is better anywho.  I had to re-do all the pictures from my New Eyes site   I am not done yet so certain images you wont be able to see yet.  I am also going to make a photoshop site too because i have been doing some cool things with that and all.  I know no one actually cares because I never use any bandwidth.

October 18th, 2003
Oops I forgot to tell you about some updates and stuff.  Well mostly just some pictures i have taken have been added but thats pretty much it.  I have been pretty busy and havent even been able to update my bootleg trading list either I have about 10 showsI need to add so yeah be happy with what you have to be happy with.
New Eyes -  scary things and other stuff.

August 20th, 2003
Well we all knew that owuldn't last very long.  The whole updating thing that is.  I forgot to mention the pretty colors page i put up a few days ago but that is not very prominent.  New Eyes on the other hand should be pretty cool but then again I am just a loser.

July 16th, 2003
Waffles!:  yeah well the name really just says it all.

July 10th, 2003
Video Games:  I got some new games and added a beautiful picture of my Nintendo's.

July 8th, 2003
Stalkers Wanted:  Well i added my old dorm room and snowboard to the page, just to help you guys out in stalking me.  I did this because you people are either really bad at stalking me because you cant find me or so good at stalking me that I don't even notice you around.
Liquid:  some photoshop photos that i made both here and on my automotive page.

July 5th, 2003
Hey wow 3! updates in the past week, thats absolutely amazing.  Well we have spotted the elusive Chris Morgan and are doing our bets to keep track of himwhen more details arrive you will be the first to know.  assume you check this regularly enough or sign up for our news letter.
Stalker Wanted:  Updated photo for my backpack.
Auditory Dyslexia:  Gir and Sponge Bob like you have never seen before.

July 4th, 2003
Happy Independence Day.  Volney has no life and counted all the little dancing men check LDM for the total.

Third Generation July 2nd, 2003