July 2nd, 2003
Well, well, well, what do we have here. It appears that i have finally updated my website. but in truth
I not only updated I completely redid my website because I was prohibited from editing the earlier version.
As usual its up to you to sit around and see how often i will actually update my site which can be as often as daily or as
little as once every 3 months. But on the to the updates!
Domukon: its pretty much the same page except I returned domukon without the randsom I asked for
him. A second Domukon napping is in the works, I do very much miss him after all.
Stalkers Wanted: I just did a little re-arranging of the same photos.
ShortSports: is still the same old Chinese Midget Basketball just without Weeman.
Sketchwork: Was know as Hail to the Paper, which i just realized is just like Radiohead's New album Hail
the The Theif. weird. Well the layout has changed but thats pretty much it.
Auditory Dyslexia: I have been randomly updating that on its own and now its page here is less cluttered.
I also started trading bootlegs. You can find my link for that on the Main page of Auditory Dysexia.
Cars: Has some more photos here and the main page. Also a new layout.
Not Earth: is an exact duplicate of the original page.
Video Games: has updated words and game lists. it also lost all its links.
Literature: I forget, go check it yourself
Erasing the Unquestioned: is the same old same old.
Stupid: Contains enlarged photos.
Lessons, Ponderings, T.R.I.B.A.L., Quotables, and The linkatorium. have all passed on into another realm.